Friday night is typically movie night in our house. We started this tradition maybe five years ago, after hearing about it from another family. The kids used to look forward to it at the end of the school week, a lot more when they were younger since we were first getting into the weekly habit. But as they gained more screen freedom, Brighton would often ask to do something else (still on a screen) rather than watch the movie. Or else, none of the kids could agree on a movie, spending the better part of an hour trying to pick one. Because there are three years between them, what might appeal to Whitney (age 14) and Blythe (age 11) usually would not appeal to Brighton (age 8). And vice versa.
Does this happen in your home, if you have a family movie night tradition?
Oftentimes I’d be the one deciding on the flick despite continued protests from Brighton (mostly) or his sisters. My argument was that Friday was the one day of the week that we’d watch something together, as a family. Every other day they each had their own screen time, so this was the one night they’d have to “sacrifice” their freedom of choice. I’d tell him to give the movie a chance, with Matt encouraging them to just watch the first 5-10 minutes before shooting it down. And most times, all the kids would end up liking the movie. Brighton is probably the hardest to convince, so if he is into the movie, you know it’s a good one.

What were these movies that were Movie Night thumbs-ups? Some probably had more adult language or situations than I had recalled, but they also made us laugh, cry and entertained us for a few hours. Five years of watching a movie a week is a whole lot of movies! Here’s ten that won our kids over.
1. Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3 – I think we watched them all… but the first is the best.
2. Uncle Buck – this was loved by all! And even though there were quite a few swear words, there were some classic scenes that caused uproarious laughter! John Candy’s laugh in the “Meet the boyfriend” scene was imitated by all the kids for a while.
3. Napoleon Dynamite – if you have never seen this movie, it is a cult classic! We watched this two to three years ago, the so kids were fairly young. But they all loved it, especially the dance scene that Jon Heder kills. Whitney got into it so much that she had several movie-inspired tees. (Vote for Pedro and the movie poster one)
4. Big – we watched this not too long ago and I had tried to get the kids into a few years before. But none of them were keen on it. Then recently, when the kids were arguing about what to watch, I suggested this and we all enjoyed it. There are some strange, awkward moments for kids to process, and some unrealistic things that would not fly today but Tom Hanks is so good in this, it makes the movie very watchable.
5. Forrest Gump – another Tom Hanks one that I had pitched to the kids when they were younger. They watched this maybe a few weeks after Big and all sat through the lengthy movie without complaints.
6. The Breakfast Club – an 80s classic that we watched two New Year’s Eves ago that the kids got a kick out of. I think they were all glad they’ve never had a vice principal as extreme as Richard Vernon.
7. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – another 80s classic that I think Matt may have suggested. Any time there is a main character who is too cool for school, the kids will probably get into the movie.
8. Clue – three of us in the family (Whitney, Brighton and myself) love playing the board game so we decided to watch this even though it involved murder and some adult themes. All the kids thought it was great and it was fun to see how each of the characters was represented.
9. The Princess Bride – this one took more convincing than you’d think was necessary. Once the story got going, the kids got into it. A bit of fantasy, some comedy, a tickle of romance and action. Again, I think Brighton was probably the least excited because of the name.
10. Adventures in Babysitting – this was probably one of the all-time favourites of the kids’. It had action, adventure and comedy and the kids could identify with it because there were people their age in it.
What are your family movie night recommends?

Tonight, we will be forgoing movie night for games since we watched one last night to celebrate the start of summer break. The kids also asked to have more of their own screen time so they have reached their daily quota.
We are also still trying to figure out the best setup for our family room. Since our tv went kaput back in March, we opted not to buy a new one. Instead we have been enjoying a movie theatre-like atmosphere with Matt’s old projector. I have rearranged the furniture layout a few times. Before our new guests arrived I moved the couch so now “our screen” is on a different “wall”.
Check back later this summer for an updated family room. And speaking of guests, this weekend Matt’s family will be coming to Saskatoon for the first time, if everything works out. His sisters have yet to meet Brighton so this will be an extra special family reunion! Have a great long weekend!