If there’s one daily habit I refuse to give up, it’s going on Facebook Marketplace. Often multiple times a day. Less than twenty, maybe more than ten. I’ve got things under control. I’m not buying things left, right and centre. In the ten months that we’ve been in Saskatoon, I’ve made five purchases and sold three times as many items. All my purchases have been intentional and each piece has added something to the room they now live in. You simply never know what you might find on the Marketplace, so it’s hard to resist, guilty pleasure that it is.

I was first introduced to Facebook Marketplace (FBMP) when we lived in Toronto and there were neighbourhood groups to join, mostly moms selling their kids’ stuff that no longer fit or that their kids were no longer interested in. Our kids never scored any items from there… I was more interested in SELLING their stuff. I would mostly peruse the listings to see what other people were selling and how much they were selling them for. We didn’t need more things in our already packed home.
Admittedly, I would also check out seller profiles if I happened to like their photography (and also to make sure people were legit). Never underestimate the power of a good photo! Even selling your kids’ old clothing on the Marketplace! Having had an online shop for years, you learn that good product photography is an essential skill to master. There was one particular mom whose photos caught my eye and I tried to mimic some of her techniques, either with clothing arrangements or filters. So when she messaged ME one day, I had to let her know. She thanked me and we arranged a time for her to come by to pick up the item she wanted. Well, this was also after COVID and in Toronto, in this mommy group there were certain rules you were supposed to follow, for how to do the exchanges, etc. Since I hadn’t been a long time seller, I didn’t know all the codes (PPU, FCFS, etc.) and probably still don’t as Saskatoon seems to have different ones.

PPU referred to “porch pick up”, which to me, meant that the person would come to our porch and pick up their item. In her case and maybe the standard case, it meant, leave the darn item on the porch for the person to pick up. After she had told me that she was on her way, our doorbell rang some minutes later. Expecting her to be polite and say that she was here for the item, instead I was greeted by a rather rude lady in a leather jacket almost shouting “You know, you really should leave your item in the mailbox for buyers!!” In shock from her remark, I handed her the dress she came for and didn’t even have time to say anything before she took off. She then messaged me thanks and I apologized for my lack of insight.
Proper porch pick up procedure (I later learned from another buyer) meant you leave the item you’re selling on the porch somewhere and the buyer will leave money for it, usually in your mailbox. You just have to hope that the buyer doesn’t try to take the item without paying. This lady thought that because the mailbox Matt had made was nice, it would prevent any potential thieves from taking off with things. How’s that logic for you?
After we made the decision to move and started renovating our house, I began watching a great deal of YouTube videos to learn how to diy certain things, including staging. It was then that I discovered how appealing FBMP could be, in terms of home furnishings. Several of the YouTubers I was watching including Lone Fox and Alexandra Gater, would mention their FBMP finds, usually for a bargain and my jaw would drop. How were they finding these deals?
Well, one, LOCATION makes a BIG difference. And two, TIMING is key. People are constantly listing things so if you don’t keep checking back, you might miss out on something you’ve been looking for.
When I finally made my first purchase it was for something I planned on using to stage our Toronto home. And it was a steal! On top of that, I was able to get it delivered, since we didn’t have a car at the time.
I paid $60 for this solid wood antique looking desk! It worked so well in our Victorian home and its final staging. The seller was selling because they were changing their home decor and it didn’t go with the rest of it. Currently it is my computer desk. Recently, I spied the same desk model on FBMP here in Saskatoon, and the person is asking $350 for it!! So like I said, location makes a huge difference.
If you are hoping to change up your own interior decor, the Marketplace is a really easy way to reach a big local audience and get rid of stuff you no longer want. That’s how we decluttered some of the furniture we didn’t want to bring to Saskatoon with us, or that didn’t work for staging our home. Things that didn’t sell, we either gave to friends or kept and have made work in our new home.
Of course, pricing things right can be hit or miss. There are always going to be people who want a bargain and will haggle with you even over a few measly dollars. More often than not, I am going on Marketplace to find a good deal for something I think our home could use. There are times though, that I will spend more because I know the value of the item and also appreciate the work that has gone into it, or know that I can make it something worthwhile.
And I LOVE buyers who don’t mention any change in price, show up and pay for what they want.

Last night as I was waiting for one to arrive, I was looking out our front window and spied someone driving up in a yellow jeep. His purchase? A yellow Barbie jeep!!! It was too funny and a bit surreal! He was also wearing hot pink slip-on shoes and a hot pink accessory on his belt. His Facebook profile also said he was from Toronto! Go figure!