This year, feeling a bit ho hum about Halloween, I dragged my feet a lot about getting out the decorations. Brighton kept asking me for weeks when we were going to decorate and I kept telling him, “Soon!” Well, finally, this past Sunday, we put up some things inside and outside the house.
And I’m glad we did. The house feels more festive and it’s gotten me more into the spirit of the season.

Lots of times, I work myself into a frenzy about having to make things look “just right”, when the kids really couldn’t care less about how it looks and just want to have fun decorating.

I had wanted to put something other than spiders in the window, inspired by the project on pages 204-205 from this Martha Stewart book. But we pivoted to something quicker and easier after we found a set of pre-cut arachnids at Dollarama. The kids also insisted on getting the web material, which I am not a huge fan of, but the kitties love! We had to put it higher on the windows so they wouldn’t tear it all down.

This will be our kitties’ first Halloween with us, so they were of course very curious about the pumpkins! We only have one real one – borrowed from my mom who bought hers early and will be making pumpkin soup after – as the stores I went to were either all sold out or only had rotting ones left. Since the kids were painting and not carving their pumpkins, I pivoted again and was able to score the last two craft pumpkins that Michaels had for Blythe and Brighton. Even though they are hot pink, they colour coordinate with Whitney’s vision for her pumpkin.

We’ve also been dealing with a sick kitty this past week, so my focus has been more on making sure Zesty Cheese is alright. He had been vomiting and having diarrhea and lost quite a bit of weight for reasons unknown. We did welcome a new foster kitten into our home last Monday, which sort of coincided with Zesty’s symptoms, but I’m not convinced the two things are related.
He is gaining weight and seems to be alright… whoever named him when he was younger sure picked the most fitting name for him. At the vets and at home, he will show you just how zesty he is when it comes to taking meds!

Bree is sort of the spitting image of our Dex, with a hint of Suki (the moustache), which made all of us gasp when we saw her online profile. Although it took her a few days to get used to our trio of boy kitties, she is definitely in the mix with them now and it feels much lighter around here. Our previous two foster females were older and pretty content to be on their own. Bree is still a kitten, just three months older than our guys, so she still wants to play. While she is smaller and not nearly as rowdy, she is feisty and can hold her ground in a boxing/swatting match with any of them.

I have also been working on a new card design as a personalized thank you to Matt’s family for the trip we went on earlier this month. Since it’s quite a specific design, I’m not sure if I will list this in my shop. But I do want to add some new designs for the next holiday coming up, so check back soon!
And speaking of designs, I did set up this little vignette on the fireplace mantel in our living room. Whitney, aka Spooky, wrote the message on the message board.

I’ll be back in a few days with post-Halloween pics and more! Have a very Happy Halloween tomorrow!