Brighton, our youngest, will be turning eight in less than a week. His birthday is April 1st, so it falls on Easter again this year and it will always be on April Fool’s Day. You’d think that after seven birthdays we’d have come up with some really good tricks to play on him. But I think we decided not to go that route as he requested to not have any played on him… like, ever. And if you know him at all, then you really don’t want to get on his bad side.
What is a boy on the cusp of eight into these days?
Ours is still into Minecraft, though not quite as obsessed as last year. He is asking for another Minecraft themed cake, this time a TNT one.

What else?
Much to my dismay, he finds mindless YouTube shorts very entertaining. And he has a talent – like every other screen efficient kid these days – for finding a new computer or phone game to become enamoured with.
When I can get him off of screens, his go-to’s are the classic toy of Lego, mostly Minecraft themed, or some kind of game. His current favourites are Take 5 (a game from the 70’s – sort of like Connect 4 but you need to get five in row), the Game of Life, Monopoly and Chess.
If no one will play a game with him, he will pick up a book. Last year he was all about Diary of a Wimpy Kid, though now he says they are not really his thing; Big Nate, Dog Man, Calvin and Hobbes and Archie comics are still his jam. He has accumulated quite the library in our main floor bathroom. Anyone else have a bathroom bookworm?

This past year he started his first extracurricular sport – indoor soccer. I told him that when we moved, I wanted him and his sisters to pick one physical activity to do. His decision was made easier because his cousin who is also seven was on the team and his uncle was coaching. Two months into playing he almost gave up, after an illness heavy Autumn. But he persisted and I’m very proud that he stuck with it. Not only did it keep him off the screen (for a little while at least), it introduced him to team building skills as well as learning his own physical and mental capabilities. He’ll be playing outdoor soccer in about a month with several of the same kids.

Seven going on eight – referred to as the scary sevens – is definitely a momentous year in growth for a child. Typically, it’s when they start displaying their independence more, testing boundaries and driving their parents bonkers. Or wait, is that every year? Or are those just our kids?
Brighton certainly experienced his fair share of changes this year – moving, getting a tooth pulled, making new friends, playing a team sport, getting his own room, his first sleepover.
I’m glad that he still holds our hands when we’re out, that he likes to snuggle with us, but also like that he is brave enough to sleep in his own room, in his own bed.
Have you heard that the eighth year is called “Hateful Eights”? Well, we’ve had practice with our elder two, but they are also a different breed than Brighton. Whatever the next year has in store for him and us, bring it on!

I love you, bud!
He has always been a boy on the cusp of GREATNESS!!
Brighton could play chess at age four. He will make a difference in the world some day! Yay, Brightie!! Love, Nanny