As a dedicated homebody, the idea of going on a road trip with my family is not my first choice, especially since I have not driven on a highway in over a decade! But last Fall, we were invited to my cousin’s May wedding in Ponoka, Alberta which was only about a six hour drive away. So began the planning of how to get our Saskatchewan crew – my family, including our cat, Dex, my sister’s family and my parents – there.

The answer, of course – my sister and her husband would drive! Phew! We’d take two cars, five in one and six in the other. They are long time road veterans, having lived in Saskatoon most of their lives, where owning a car and driving places is almost a requirement.
Matt and I did not own a car until we moved here. In Toronto, our most common mode of transportation was on foot, then public transit or bike, and lastly taxis.
Our previous attempt at a family road trip to another wedding in Ontario was a bit of a bust. We rented a car and Matt drove, but he had a bit of a panic attack on the way there. So I ended up taking a very expensive cab ride with Blythe (and Brighton, who was just a wee thing growing inside me at the time), while five and a half year old Whitney stayed with Matt, since it was my friend’s wedding. I can’t recall how we got back to Toronto, but we did… the next day, after camping there and not sleeping very much. I think Matt has a bit of PTSD though from that whole wedding and highway driving experience.
Thankfully, Saskatchewan highways are not nearly as busy as Ontario ones. The busiest part of the drive was the sky! Those clouds! And that wind!

We had a night to rest up and get ready for the wedding which was the next afternoon.

You wouldn’t know it by this photo, but almost minutes before the ceremony began it was extremely cloudy and rainy. We were drying off our seats before we sat down. But the Gods smiled upon Emily and Sean and we got to experience a beautiful wedding!
While some may have thought that rain on your wedding day is bad luck, the opposite is said to be true. Really, it’s all about how you want to view it.
To get to Pine & Pond, there was a shuttle bus taking different groups from the hotel in Ponoka. We took the earlier departure and got to take in all the amazing scenery before all the other guests arrived.

It was Kevin’s first time in Canada and the first we’ve seen him in many, many years. A native New Yorker, he found the flat landscapes of the Prairies very intriguing.

There were also lawn games that could be played, including axe throwing, frisbee, bocce ball, and volleyball. We mostly did axe throwing and the kids ran around a bit. Two photos below taken by Matt.

Although the sun peeked out every now and then, it was quite chilly for May. So when we couldn’t handle the cold or the rain (and even hail at one point!), we waited inside in the bar/buffet area.
Or sneaking in – actually, Matt got permission – to the tented, but still cold, reception area for some photo ops.
I loved the glassware on the tables and you can just barely spy some of the gorgeous vases that Emily threw herself in the months leading up to the wedding.
While we were waiting for the ceremony, both the bride and groom and their respective parties were on site in various buildings getting ready. When we were finally given the go ahead to find our seats, I think we were all excited! Standing, particularly in high heels, for two hours is not my cup of tea!

Emily and Sean exchanged heartfelt and beautiful vows. I am so glad they found each other and wish them a lifetime of happiness together! It was really lovely to be witness to their special day! Everything seemed to be on par with who they were, so I hope it went how they had hoped it would.
But I’m definitely glad that it was not me and Matt up there, even now seventeen years after we said “I do”. There were over a hundred guests in attendance here; Matt and I had two at our wedding – my sister and his friend as our witnesses.
There was a funny part in Emily’s vows, where she used the term “bébé” and Matt and I looked at each other and cracked up… that is what we call Whitney and she is not a fan anymore. Since Matt and I use “baby” as terms of endearment for one another, I called Whitney “our bébé” when she was a baby. It stuck over the years and we still call her that from time to time, but she prefers “Whit” or her full name.

After Emily and Sean were officially married, there was about an hour and a half to take photos, visit with everyone and have some much needed nourishment before the dinner reception.

Another cousin, Pamela, whom we had not seen in years drove up from Calgary for the occasion. We last saw her at Audrey’s and Niran’s wedding in 2011, in Saskatoon. Funny how weddings can bring people together in many ways.

This was such a cute and eclectic way to do a seating chart. We loved getting our own keys (Amazon finds similiar to these) to take home… both girls were trying to trade with me but I wouldn’t let them! Emily, a talented artist, painted this door with Sean and said the wedding decor was inspired by Wes Anderson.
Now, you know you’re getting older when most of the people on the dance floor are younger than you. By ten o’clock, the majority of the dancers were at least a few decades younger than our crew OR nurses, friends of the bride and groom. After a quick poutine food truck snack, Matt took Blythe and Brighton back to the hotel on the first shuttle bus ride. The rest of our group called it a night just a half hour shy of midnight, on the second shuttle bus ride.

The next day we got to have lunch with Emily and Sean, her mom and our cousin, Kevin before we headed back to Saskatoon. After two too many days of fast food, we enjoyed some Chinese food here and it was surprisingly tasty.
Then it was back on the road…
I still need to look up what exactly Bunnock is… I just know, it’s not what it looks like.

The wind was pushing us towards Saskatoon on the way back, so we made it home faster. All in all, sore butts and short fuses aside, it was a wonderful first road trip for our family! Who knows when or where we’ll travel next, but at least now we know it is doable.

Toronto is not likely, but this couple is!