I’m keeping it simple with my Fall Bucket List, as I never did get around to creating one this summer. Even though the season has not officially started, it is beginning to feel very Fall-like around here, with cooler, crisp mornings and evenings. Fall has been my favourite season for years. It’s a time for cozy sweaters, warm drinks, hearty meals and desserts.
Whitney made her Bucket List before school started and I’m borrowing on some of her ideas.

1. Bake fall desserts.
There’s no better pie than apple pie, in my humble opinion, not just in Fall but especially this season, when apples are at their best. Whitney made me one this past Mother’s Day and it was scrumptious. She used a pre-made crust for ease, but I will likely make one from scratch. I have only made a few pies in my day, from scratch, but they turned out pretty well!

2. Decorate the house, inside and out.
Whitney has already added some fall decor to her room, that she crafted herself. I have been wanting to add some potted plants to our front landing since last Fall but never know what to get. I’m thinking mums, which are very seasonal and that you see in all the stores right now. But I may want to go with something faux, that will last for years, like a new wreath from HomeSense.

The decor at HomeSense gets me every time we go there. If I had a bigger budget, I’d be picking up some new throw pillows and adding some new figurines to my collection.

3. Read at least 3 books this season.
If each season is three months long, then one per month should be doable. I scored this one from HomeSense for a bargain ($5) earlier this week and thought how fitting the timing was. Found another great organizing book at Value Village that I will help me on my organizing quest. Although they are not the most heady reading category, I always get a kick reading these types of books.
4. Make a Fall playlist.
This one is on Whit’s bucket list, but what music exactly makes you think of Fall? I know there’s the song by The Mamas and The Papas with the line “all the leaves are brown…” that certainly is seasonal, but I think it’s referring to winter more than Fall. So I’ll be going on Spotify to get some more input on Fall music.

5. Create 10 new products for my shop.
With the kids back at school, I (should) have more time to devote to my art and getting back on track with my etsy shop!
This is the first new product that I will be adding soon. Even though the art is “old”, I have not offered it in this form before. If you can’t tell, they are stickers. I have been wanting to make some new ones for a while and ideally, would love to splurge on a Cricut or Silhouette machine. But first, I will see if there is any interest in these before I go that route.
Really, I can’t complain about not having new inspiration. We have three new muses around here and the spirit of our last two to keep my creative juices flowing.

Happy Friday the 13th to you!