Around Our Home: A Look Into My Home Office
As we close out the second month of 2025, I thought it was about time to give you a little…
As we close out the second month of 2025, I thought it was about time to give you a little…
Every few months or so, I get something called the “rearranging urge”, where I need to rearrange furniture and reorganize…
This year, I’m simplifying our Christmas traditions to save on stress and some money. In particular, I scaled back on…
First and foremost, to be a great organizer, you have to stay on track! Part two of my organization series…
This year, I waited as long as I could before digging out our decorations, knowing that this was our kittens’…
The changing of the season prompted Matt to give our dining room an elegant update a few weeks ago. We…
This year, feeling a bit ho hum about Halloween, I dragged my feet a lot about getting out the decorations.…
A painting instructor of mine once called me “a great organizer”, referring to how I painted. Although it sounds like…
Up until a few days ago, the dresser in our master bedroom was looking a little haphazard and cluttered. Since…
After living in our home for nearly a year, I’ve discovered what works in our kitchen and what doesn’t. Specifically…