I am starting a new monthly post called First Friday Favourites on the first Friday of each new month. This was inspired by a page design from one of my old planners by Pipsticks & Workman. (Side note: They make the best stickers!)
I’ve pared the list down since mine is about “favourites” not just what is current but may add to it as I see fit. It’s funny to look back and see what has changed or stayed the same since June of 2021.

Shogun (2024 version) on Disney+
Is it Cake 3? on Netflix
YouTube Channels:
Diary of a CEO – for the longest time I would see his videos pop up when I was watching other YouTube videos and wonder what the heck they were about. These black backgrounds with a person’s head and some catchy quote from the video in large white text. Finally I clicked on one and have been hooked ever since. He has interesting guests covering topics that both inform and titillate you.
Mel Robbins – I discovered Mel Robbins just before the new year, I think, and have been watching her videos off and on since then. Very inspirational and great for when I need to refocus my energy and also want to learn something valuable. As a premenopausal woman, this video was very informative.
Heather Robertson (exercise) – I love Heather’s channel because she has a variety of workout lengths and areas of body focus too. She is also closer to my age than some other fitness YouTubers I previously watched so she includes modifications for us older, less agile women. I should be doing my third workout of the week this morning but am skipping it because I’m feeling under the weather. Brighton partied too hard for an eight year old this past week (ie. ate way too much junk food and stayed up too late) so it caught up with him. And then me, too.
Offline: Magnolia Table, vol.3 – found this at Homesense for such a steal ($20 less than retail price)! The photography is beautiful and a lot of recipes seem like ones our family would like or have made before. How does Joanna Gaines do so much? She seems like she’d be such a cool friend to have!
Online: Cup of Jo – another Joanna G! How weird! I’ve been following her website for a number of years, and recently rediscovered it before I launched my own blog. She touches on a wide variety of topics and I hope my blog can one day be as good as hers!
90’s Rock, after trying RockBand on Xbox for the first time. Now we are considering getting our own set… it was so much fun!
Nirvana, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots
Hmm, all the lead singers of these bands have since passed away and from similar circumstances. RIP. Their music, though? So good!
Online: Connections. I love a good word puzzle game and try to do this one daily. Used to be Wordle but this is my go-to.
Indoor: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza and other iterations of it. We played this my sister’s family and my mom a few times and had a blast! Great way to test your reflexes and have some laughs, though watch out for sharp fingernails and hurt egos.
Outdoor: Badminton! Matt bought Whitney a volleyball/badminton set for Christmas and they set up the net back in the winter because it had been fairly mild. The kids have been fighting for turns to play with their daddy every morning (they are currently on Easter break here) and I have been getting back into this game I played as a kid.

Still Indian food. I made Saag Feta last night and was pleasantly surprised at how tasty the feta made this dish. Next time, I may add paneer and feta. Now we have our holy trinity of dishes. And it’s giving me such Spring vibes.

Non-Alcoholic: Sparkling water
Alcoholic: Rosé or Somersby Apple Cider
Bennett Handmade – albeit a shameless plug for my husband, Matt’s new business venture, I do love how his website turned out. Our eldest, Whitney, put in quite a few hours on this that will hopefully serve her well in future endeavours. And Matt makes some pretty nifty pieces.
What are your current favourites?