My current faves for July 2024, inspired by one of my old planners by Pipsticks & Workman.
We (Matt and I) breezed through the first part of third season of The Bear on Disney+, which is definitely not kid appropriate. Although our kids have seen their fair share of not so kid-friendly material, this show’s TV-MA rating is fitting. The first few episodes of the season had this very on-edge energy that seemed to stir up the kittens while we watched. That, or it was just their own nightly frantic antics.
I so want to cheer for Jeremy Allen’s Carmy but he also drives me crazy, and not in the good way. All of the characters on the show are flawed, which makes it more believable and interesting to watch. Certainly, it doesn’t make me want to work in a restaurant environment, ever.
YouTube Channels:
Caroline Winkler – a somewhat quirky, yet entertaining YouTuber who makes interior design videos, but also ones about her personal life. I happened upon her channel either last year or the year before when I was searching up home DIY videos and every so often will watch a new one. She is funny and weird… her headlines and thumbnails usually make me want to click on the latest video. This one featuring her sister and her sister’s dog was a treat!
Real Life:

The Doritos Boys – our foster kitties provide as much entertainment as any tv show. Often I find myself watching them more than whatever is on our AppleTV+ at the moment. They can find amusement in the littlest thing – a piece of lint or fluff, their brother’s tail, their own tail… their shadow. Just like we’re told to enjoy all the younger years with our kids, we have to remember to appreciate the energy of kittens. They won’t always be this playful and “cute”.

I adore children’s picture books. Recently, I requested Negative Cat by Sophie Blackall from the public library and loved the story! The boy in it sort of reminded me of Brighton. However, the cat did not remind me of our cats but I’m sure there are some who are like him. The inspiration for the story is also so lovely!
Another book I stumbled upon in the library was Oh Joy! 60 Ways to Create and Give Joy by Joy Cho. I remember Joy’s blog from years ago and this book is very much done in the same happy vein. She is an ever-inspiring Asian American designer who really seems to live up to her name! A few of the projects I want to try from the book are the Bauble Key Chain, the Hanger Notes and the Surprise Scratchers.
No particular favourites are on my playlist at the moment. But Whitney has been watching Gossip Girl and she’s been listening to songs from/inspired by the show on Spotify. The show seems to have a lot of similarities with Bridgerton.

My parents came over for dinner last night and I asked them to bring their old croquet set. I played this a lot with my sister and my parents when we were younger. It was a popular game in the 80s and always makes me think of the movie Heathers ! My dad, being the most experienced player, won the few rounds we played last night.

Our kids had never played up until then but they had a blast! It took Blythe a bit of coaxing to go out despite her fear and loathing of ants. But she managed and the three of them enjoyed several rounds of the game today.
Since it’s Friday, that means it’s another movie night at our house. I’m not sure what we’ll be watching tonight but whatever it is, we’ll be enjoying it on our newly painted “screen”.

Happy weekend to you!