This month’s first Friday favourites includes a few from October, since I did not get around to this post last month. Accompanying photos are from last night’s Halloween fun. Inspired by one of my old planners by Pipsticks & Workman, these are my current faves:
When I was a kid, I loved watching a lot of murder mystery type shows. I’d seen the thumbnail for Only Murders in the Building for quite a long time but never felt compelled to click on it – the pairing of Selena Gomez with Steve Martin and Martin Short always seemed a bit odd – until last month. Once we started watching, it was hard to stop. Matt and I have breezed through three seasons already and will probably start watching the fourth one soon.
The writing and acting are both really strong, with lots of cameos from big names, like Sting and Meryl Streep. And Martin Short is just really funny to watch! Both Matt and I crack up from some of things that come out of his mouth and body!

Another show on Disney+ that we started watching and have already finished is English Teacher. This one, like the former, is for mature audiences. From the title, you’d think it could be a show that kids could watch, but the humour and some themes are certainly geared towards adults.
I had never heard of the actor, Brian Jordan Alvarez, who plays the English teacher, but he is really great in the role! I love that the show focuses on his life and feelings and portrays him as a somewhat flawed person, as we all are.
Years ago, I watched On Golden Pond, a classic movie and for some reason it really resonated with me. When we lived in Toronto, I happened upon a dvd of the movie that someone was getting rid of and brought it home even though we no longer had a dvd player. It’s been sitting on one of our shelves here in Saskatoon for many months, asking to be watched. Just by chance one night, I decided to see if I could watch it on one of the many apps we have on our Appletv+ and happily discovered that I could.
Watching it again as an adult, I notice and focus on different things than I might have when I was younger. I love the banter between Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn. They also seem really spry for their age, having filmed the movie in their seventies! I also think it’s lovely that Jane Fonda got to play opposite her dad in the film and wonder what their actual relationship was like compared to the one they portrayed.
Gifted on Netflix was a family movie night pick and it turned out to be an awesome one that we all enjoyed! McKenna Grace is so good in her role, though I guess it helped that she was three years older than the character she was playing, at the time the movie was made. She does seem to be a very talented young lady in real life and I loved her in Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
I’m also a fan of Chris Evans aka. Captain America, not simply because he’s easy on the eyes. He’s also got some acting chops, playing different types of characters, not just the good guy. As the uncle in Gifted, he was convincing and I generally love a feel-good movie
Months ago, I joined Substack to keep reading juicier stuff that Joanna Goddard from Cup of Jo was sharing on her Big Salad newsletter. Once you subscribe, you are alerted to other writers on the app that you may want to follow. Somehow, I came across Liana Finck, a cartoonist and author based in New York, and signed up to receive her free newsletter. She writes very honestly about her life now as a (working) parent, with self-deprecating humour. I was sort of on the fence about her signature style of art – minimal, jittery line drawings – which looks simple but actually says a lot. After reading more of her writing, I find her art more endearing and so funny. It’s no wonder she does a lot of work for The New Yorker.

That is all for this installment. After several hours outside in the chill last night, I can feel the start of another cold coming on.
Have a warm and relaxing weekend and Happy November to you!