How are You Doing with Your Goals?

writing goals down is a good way to stay on track

We’re three months into 2024… how are you doing with your goals?

These were our seven year old son’s goals for the year, apparently. I pulled this set of sheets out of his backpack last week… I guess his teacher had asked each of them to write down some goals a little while back. Let me tell you, he’s been doing a pretty stellar job with his “home” goal! And it explains a lot of what had been going on in terms of his behaviour lately.

After we had a little discussion, he said he was going to change his goal (for home) and now no longer entirely ignores what I ask of him.

This just goes to show how powerful it is to write things down, especially your goals. Our kids will often write things down when I give them a list of tasks that are required to earn them (their goal of) screen time. Not only does it help them remember what the tasks are, it also makes it very clear as to what those are. And it motivates them to achieve their end goal.

Our son very clearly stated the steps he would take to achieve his goal of playing video games all day. His are a little different than the ones I would have given him. 

Personally, one of my goals was to start blogging again. And painting.

So far, I’m two for two. 

Watercolour of my antique computer desk

But going into the next quarter, my goal is to start earning money by doing both. I will be writing that down on paper for sure, twice a day!

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