Although school started last week for kids in Saskatoon, this is Whitney’s second time back to school this fall after the senseless event that happened last week. Already, high school can be an intimidating place for teenagers. I expected Whitney to experience a few challenges in her first year of secondary school. But not in the first few days of the year and definitely not in such a violent manner! No parent wants to hear that their child was hurt while at school so my heart goes out to the family of the girl who was the victim of the attack.
We are lucky that a) Whitney was not harmed and b) that she also did not witness the attack. Her locker was right across from where it happened, so if she had been there at the wrong time, things could have been different.
When we were first notified that classes had been cancelled for the rest of the day, I was a bit confused. Then it made me wonder why there wasn’t a more detailed explanation. I feel like the school could have been more transparent about the incident, but I know they also probably didn’t want to incite panic.
After we finally heard from Whitney, she did not know the full extent of the situation. All she told us was that there had been a fire at the school. I think I asked if anyone had been hurt and she said she didn’t know. Then later, at home, she mentioned that someone told her a person had been set on fire. I scoffed, thinking, “No way”, there was probably just kids using a bunsen burner and something caught on fire.
I was shocked when I learned the truth, by going online.
There are so many questions I want to know the answers to, but the main one is “Why?” What was the motivation to commit such a horrible act on another person? I know these kinds of things happen all over the world, all too often, but you never think it can happen so close to home.
That morning, I remember being so angry with Whitney on the drive to school. She was giving me grief for taking too long walking her sister to school, worried that she was going to be late. She also had the nerve to say (NOT ask) we needed to go to Tim Horton’s to get her something to eat, when there was plenty of food at home. I was seething and told her that I would not be driving her to school anymore.
Needless to say, our goodbye that morning was not the cheeriest.
So, I know I should count my blessings. Especially on a day like today.

I can identify with the kitty in this calendar page though. Mixed emotions about being back at school for parents and kids alike right now.
Wishing you warm vibes wherever you may be this Wednesday!