I recently discovered the work of Carson Ellis and although her name was familiar to me, her art was not. Upon this book series recommendation, I requested the first one from the library to not only get back into reading but also for some artistic inspiration. This book should keep me busy for the next little while – it’s almost 500 pages long! It looks like this copy has been well read.
What I love about Carson’s art is her line work and her stylization of characters. She is also very skilled at drawing buildings and lettering, something that I would like to get better at. And she also produces some very beautiful paintings that you can see on her website. I particularly like the portrait she did of her husband. I’m also excited to check out her book, Home, which she wrote and illustrated. I may end up buying a copy to keep to add to my picture book collection.

Matt and I both picked up a few art supplies this week. Around our house, it never takes long for pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners to start disappearing, and not because they’ve been used up. Little fairies magically abscond with them, usually off my desk, never to be found… or rather, only found on someone else’s desk.

On another note: after my previous post about goals, and the power of writing them down, would you believe that the day after I did just that, someone contacted me about a potential job?! Fingers crossed that it all pans out!