There are plenty of ways to make your own summer fun, both indoors and outdoors. To encourage our kids to stay off the screen this summer, I printed out the list above for them before school was out. Blythe decided to put on a fair in our backyard last week, which included #42.

So it was not your typical fair with crowds of people attending. But there was a ring toss, courtesy of our resident woodworker. And there was supposed to be crafting, but I think that got pushed to the wayside.

Of course there were plenty of treats: S’mores, extra long red licorice, potato chips and various cold drinks.

Blythe also requested that I make this TikTok macaroni that I first made this past New Year’s Eve. It was probably the cheesiest and tastiest version I’ve made so far.
I did get to partake in one of the water balloon fights once the macaroni was in the oven. It was funner than expected but I wasn’t able to successfully soak (ie. break the balloons on) any of our kids.

And since it was Friday, I think we ended up watching a movie after the fair. Although the kids put up a bit of a fight at first, they agreed to watch The Call of the Wild on Disney +. They enjoyed it so much that they wanted to watch it again at my sister’s when we went there a few days later to celebrate my nephew’s 12th birthday.
If you’re looking for some indoor fun in Saskatoon, this place is guaranteed to get you soaring and sweating! That’s where we went for Jackson’s birthday party this year and last.

Happy Friday to you! Hope you get up to some fun this weekend!