Given the choice to succeed or fail at something, most people would likely choose the former. But sometimes failing at something can be a good thing.
When I first decided to foster kitties, the welcome package from SOS Prairie Rescue talked about “foster failing”. This was a term I had never heard of before, but it’s basically how it sounds. You fail as a foster (parent) but not because you are bad at it… but because you choose to adopt your fosters!
That’s what happened in our home in the past week and a half.
I failed.
And I am okay with it!
My mom worried that I may fall victim to these sweet kitties. She was right, as mothers usually are! How could we let them go?
The kittens were set to go to an adoption event on July 21st but our kids begged and pleaded for us to keep them.
They promised to help with looking after the kitties but I think there needs to be some clarification with the definition of “help”. So far, I’ve been the lone litter scooper.
Saying goodbye to their brother was hard enough though after only a few weeks of him being with us, so you can imagine our despair when it was almost their turn to leave. If they weren’t adopted at that event, they would have had to go to another one the following week and stay at the pet store… for TWO WEEKS… in a crate!
Even Matt thought that was too cruel and caved to keeping them! He would have preferred to only keep two but there was no way we could choose between them.
We all have our favourites: Brighton’s is Zesty Cheese.

Blythe and Whitney both love Cool Ranch and Sweet Chili Heat is mine.

And as strange as it may be to name kitties after different Doritos flavours, the kids and I love their names and think they suit each of them. Matt would also prefer different names but as the least attached to any, he does not get the final say!
We are still fostering, but only one kitty at a time since our previous experience babysitting another foster cat was a bit challenging. I specifically requested only cats who are okay being around other cats. While we have kept our new guest in our bedroom at night, Moxxi is much more comfortable with the kittens compared to Bonita, who could not be in the same room as them without being on edge.

Moxxi is sixteen and the kittens are only three and a half months old, so she is more like their grandmother, with not nearly as much energy as they have. Most times they are around her, they will pounce on her tail or end up eating all her food. As a senior kitty, she has some health issues so requires a daily dose of medication and will eventually require a tooth abscess like our dear old Dex. However long her stay is with us, we love that we are helping in some small way.
But no more failures for us any time soon!